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The Palace Museum's Essential Collection

The Palace Museum (Forbidden City), well-known as the largest comprehensive museum in China, was originally an imperial palace in both the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is China's largest house of ancient arts and culture. Its collections include over 1.8 million pieces of masterpieces, of which most are from the imperial collection of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, being handed down for several thousand years in an orderly manner. Throughout the world, there is no match for the abundance manifested in large quantities, the in-depth legacy of history and the extremely high artistic value.

“The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum” with its 60 volumes in Chinese and “The Palace Museum’s Essential Collection” with its 10 volumes in English, are, to date, the large pictorials that can best represent the artistic and research achievements of the Palace Museum’s collections. The former one, compiled and written by famous academics of the old generation of the Palace Museum, depicts more than 12,000 pieces of Chinese culture relics. The latter one, compiled and written by experts of the young generation, translated by a local professional team, features about 3,000 best-of-the-best masterpieces in the collection.

The publication of "The Palace Museum's Essential Collection" is a thorough revelation of the abundant artistic resources and achievements in cultural relic studies. More importantly, the whole series opens the door to the Oriental Art, bridging connoisseurs all over the world in the appreciation of Chinese arts and culture, plus all this arousing interests in conducting research on related topics.


《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集》(六十卷)以及《The Palace Museum's Essential Collection》(十卷)是迄今為止最可代表故宮博物院藏品藝術和研究成就的兩部大型畫冊。前者收錄文物12000餘件,由故宮老一輩學術泰斗主持編纂。後者精中取精,萃取故宮藏品3000件,由故宮中青年專家執筆編寫,並由本港專業翻譯團隊傾力譯註而成。堪稱“雙璧”。

《The Palace Museum's Essential Collection》的出版,不但全面展示了以故宮博物院為代表的中國豐富的藝術資源和文物研究成果,更重要的是為世界文化藝術交流打開了東方的一扇大門,為世界各地的鑑賞家搭建起了欣賞和研究中國文化藝術的橋樑。



Chinese painting is a kind of line art which began in the Spring and Autumn Period. From figure paintings, which started to become popular in the Jin and Tang Dynasties, “the literati paintings” in mid to late Northern Song Dynasties, bird-and-flower paintings in the Ming Dynasty to landscape paintings in the Qing Dynasty, all feature the vogue and variety of Chinese paintings.

繪畫 Paintings
The painting collection in the Palace Museum is widely acclaimed for its world-famous quality and quantity.Selected paintings of the Jin, Tang, Song, and Yuen Dynasties are as follows︰
•Eastern Jin︰Gu Kaizhi Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River
•the Sui Dynasty︰Zhan Ziqian Spring Excursion
•the Tang Dynasty︰Yan Liben Emperor Taizong Receiving the Tibetan Envoy
•Southern Song︰Li Tang Gathering Wild Herbs
•the Yuan Dynasty︰Zhao Mengfu Bathing Horses

In this volume, the most representative 99 pieces of this collection of early paintings from Jin to Yuan dynasties. Covering a variety of themes such as Figure and Genre, Landscape and Building, Flower, Bird and Animal Paintings, it includes an introductory essay by the Palace Museum's own expert who unfolds the origin, special features, cultural and artistic value of this special collection.

Selected paintings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are as follows︰
•the Ming Dynasty︰Bian Jingzhao
•the Qing Dynasty︰ Gao Fenghan

This volume will focus on the paintings of Ming and Qing Dynasties through presenting a selected collection of 159 Chinese paintings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties from the Palace Museum. With themes ranging from bird-and-flower, landscapes, to animals and figures, the collection showcases the masterpieces by court painters, literati artists, and Western missionaries serving in the Chinese imperial court. In order to facilitate a better understanding of the period in Ming and Qing Dynasties, this article also provides a chronological overview of the development and characteristics of the various schools of first the Ming and then the Qing.

瓷器 Ceramics


China has a name for ‘The Country of Ceramics’. Since the making of ceramics became mature in the Han Dynasty, there have been numerous ceramics masterpieces and kilns of great fame. Whether they are the wares with celadon glaze in the Tang Dynasty and the white wares in the North, or the masterpieces produced by the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, or the blue and white porcelain with underglazed red in Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty, or porcelains in polychrome and contrasting colours in the Ming Dynasty, or porcelains with cloisonne enamel decoration and famille rose decoration in the Qing Dynasty, each had its own outstanding characteristics. In line with the practicality, each pursued a kind of noble, magnificent beauty through the perfect forms of art.

Chinese Ceramic Ware in Monochrome Glaze 顏色釉
Author: Lu Chenglong (呂成龍)

The beauty of monochrome ware depends on the harmonious blending of artificial control and natural outcomes of firing different colour glazes. Also, it may facilitate us to better understanding the essence of Chinese ceramic art and the resonance of subtleness and lyricism revealed on such ware when compared with polychrome ware.

To facilitate readers and audience to fully appreciate the art of monochrome ware, this title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 290 sets of monochrome ceramic wares, which are classified into twelve categories, from different dynasties. It also features an introductory essay by the museum's expert who unfolds the historical and artistic value of monochrome ceramic wares.

Chinese Ceramic Wares with Polychrome Glaze 彩繪陶瓷
Author: Lu Chenglong (呂成龍)

Archeological finds reveals that China was the first country which produced and used ceramics in the earliest period of history. However, the art of Chinese ceramic not only has a long history, also there are a great number of artifacts still extant, which testify to its progressive development from the historical period to the present day. Chinese ceramics could be broadly classified into 2 major types of polychrome and monochrome ware.

This title focuses on polychrome wares and offers descriptions of a selected collection of 289 sets of painted polychrome ceramic wares of different dynasties with the aims to introduce the development of Chinese ceramic ware. It also features an introductory essay by the Museum's expert who unfolds the historical and artistic value of polychrome ceramic wares.

青銅器 Bronzeware


Chinese bronzeware has developed from the simplicity and beauty in the Shang and West Zhou Dynasties, to the exquisite style in the Spring and Autumn Period, highlighting the incomparable craftsmanship in those days. The symmetrical balance in shape of the bronzeware pieces, on top of their delicacy and harmony, are the ultimate beautiful masterpieces for admiration.

Bronzeware from the Shang to Jin Dynasties 商代至晉朝青銅器
Author: Du Naisong (杜迺松)

This collection basically provides a comprehensive coverage of Bronzewares pieces from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and to the Song Dynasty. It has selected the most representative 203 bronzeware pieces, which are the recent archaeological finds to explain the evolution of bronzeware as well as its historical and artistic value, including 98 ritual utensils and musical instruments and 105 vessels for daily use, for the enjoyment of the reader. These bronzeware pieces cover food containers, musical instruments, wine vessels, water vessels, weapons, horse and chariot device, bronze mirrors, and measurement instrument. It also features an introductory essay by the Museum's expert who explains the historical and artistic value of bronzeware.

玉器 Jadeware


Jadeware is China’s unique art treasure in which politics, religion, society, ethics and culture are blended together with an incomparable status. There are 30,000 pieces of jadeware in the Palace Museum’s collections. In terms of quantity and quality, there is no match for the Palace Museum. Its collections, from ancient China to the Qing Dynasty, reflect the subtleness of jadeware in the five thousand years of Chinese jadeware culture.

Chinese Jade Ware 中國玉器
Author: Zhang Guangwen (張廣文)

The use of Jade ware has a long history in China. In different periods, the use of jade owns different purposes which reflect the cultural connotation.

This volume has selected 260 pieces out of thousand in the collection of in the collection of the Palace Museum and will show them in chronological order, hoping that it can help readers to have a basic understanding of the development of jade ware in China. This article introduces the jade collection in the Palace Museum by showing the objects and their two major aspects: "usage" and "history".

書法 Calligraphy

書法是中國獨有的藝術形式,在追求「平衡、對稱」中不斷演變。 領略歷代文人學士的翰墨書藝,筆墨之間其樂無窮。故宮博物院珍藏由晉唐五代至清代稀有存世的名家墨寶,當中既有法書、寫經,又有寫本和名人墨跡。

Calligraphy is China’s unique art form, constantly changing in the pursuit of ‘balance and symmetry’. It is utmost pleasure to appreciate the masterpieces by literati and esteemed masters. The collections in the Palace Museum range from Jin, Tang, the Five Dynasties to Qing Dynasty, covering calligraphy, interpretation of the scriptures, manuscript copies and masterpieces by celebrities.

Chinese Calligraphy 中國書法
Author: Wang Lianqi (王連起)

Each calligraphic work from ancient China is a crystallization of superb originality and imagination, be in a letter, a literary piece, a sutra, or a copy. Therefore, it is an art unique to Chinese culture.

To offer the reading public a general understanding of model-calligraphies housed in Palace Museum and in turn the development of the art of Chinese calligraphy, this title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 150 calligraphy masterpieces, which are the finest and the most quintessential, from the Western Jin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. In terms of both size and quality, the Palace Museum is peerless for its collection of model-calligraphies.

織繡 Textile and Embroidery


China is the first country in the world which has mastered the textile techniques. With the high-quality and natural raw materials, advanced techniques, rich variety and exquisite craftsmanship, a great deal of textiles and embroideries pieces have been produced. Most of the textile and embroidery pieces in the Palace Museum’s collections reproduce images in paintings through textile materials and weaving methods. This is a unique type in the category of textile and embroidery, which is more pleasing to the eye.

Chinese Textiles and Embroideries 中國織繡
Author: Yan Yong (嚴勇)

China is the provenance of silk textiles. Since antiquity and over a very long period of time, the Chinese art of weaving silk, with its advanced techniques, has established a tradition of its own and retained its unique fascination in the world.The Palace Museum in Beijing houses 170,000 artifacts of textiles and embroideries from various periods throughout Chinese history.

This volume has selected collection of 273 pieces of embroidery crafts, most of them imperial items from Ming and Qing dynasties. They are introduced under finer classification which covers textiles and embroideries, court costumes, as well as woven and embroidered calligraphy and painting, with an introductory essay by the Palace Museum's own expert who presents the artistic and historical value of the rare treasures.



Furniture in the Ming and Qing Dynasties not only possesses the essence of Chinese art, but also the elegant practicality which leads to great appreciation. Having all the finest qualities of traditional Chinese furniture, furniture in the Ming Dynasty are presented in simplicity and precision whereas furniture in the Qing Dynasty are presented in exquisitely magnificent craftsmanship. Most of the Palace Museum’s collections are specially made for the court. With their precious materials and delicate craftsmanship, they are far more beautiful than those made outside the court.

Chinese Antique Furniture 中國古董家具
Author: Hu Desheng (胡德生)

Traditional furniture craftsmanship in China started around the Shang and Zhou periods and, based on documentary and pictorial evidence, has over three thousand years of history. In the Ming and Qing periods, China’s traditional furniture developed into items for daily use that were highly scientific, artistic, and functional. They gradually formed two main categories: “Ming-style furniture” and “Qing-style furniture”. They are not only treasured by the Chinese people, but also known for their uniqueness in the world of furniture.

This title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 259 pieces of furniture from Ming and Qing periods collected by the Palace Museum. These pieces are made of different materials including valuable hardwood, lacquer furniture, and common firewood furniture, covering a wide range of types, such as the bed, throne, desk, long table, and chair. It is hoped that this book can help readers gain an understanding of the traditional furniture of China on top of their historical value.



Treasures, in a narrow sense, refer to jewels, jades and precious stones which are decorative. In addition to the fact that they are rare and hard to find, they are all the more valuable and admirable. Most of the collections in the Palace Museum are imperial objects, finely crafted with precious materials and magnificent decorations. They fully manifest the court features and the imperial quality.

Chinese Treasures 中國珍寶
Author: Chen Lihua (陳麗華), Liu Yue (劉岳)

In the collection of the Palace Museum, there are over one million and eighty thousand cultural relics covering various period from the primitive society to the Ming and Qing dynasties. They are testimonies of Chinese history and her splendid culture embodying cultural essence and spirit of humanity.

In this volume, 229 sets of Chinese treasures from different dynasties, mainly from Yuan, Ming, and Qing, collected by the Palace Museum are presented. Treasures made with gold, silver, pearl, jade, and other jewellery and with the reference to their value, historical significance, cultural and aesthetic characteristics are the core of selection.

These Chinese treasures are divided into 3 major groups. The first group covers gold, silver, and jewellery. The second group covers lacquer, wooden, and other carved ware. The third group covers metallic ware in enamels. These treasures are made of different materials by various means of techniques. The detailed descriptions of designs and decorations may facilitate readers to better understand and appreciate the motif and beauty of these treasures on top of their historical value.


Paints of the Jin, Tang, Song, and Dynasties
Paintings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Bronzeware from Shang to Jin Dynasties
Chinese Ceramic Ware with Monochrome Glaze
Chinese Ceramic Wares with Polychrome Glaze
Chinese Calligraphy
Chinese Treasures
Chinese Textiles and Embroideries
Chinese Jade Ware
Chinese Antique Furniture


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